
Great Crossing of the Catalan Pyrenees in MTB


The Gran Travesía del Pirineo Catalán en BTT (GTPC) is a proposal aimed at lovers of the most intense MTB experiences. An attractive trip that largely follows the spectacular route designed by Jordi Laparra and Lluís Garcia in 2012, popularized in a great guide that documents the route. With 600 kilometers of route and more than 16,000 mt. of accumulated elevation gain, the GTPA represents a major challenge for any biker who loves mountain trails. The 8 stages are between 60 and 88 kilometers, with elevations between 1500 and 2600 mt. that require between 6 and 8 hours of daily effort, constantly rewarded by the landscapes that are crossed.

A comfortable assistance combined with the accompaniment and support of an experienced cyclist such as Sergi Fernández Tolosawill help the group to achieve its objective.

The particularity of this new route is that it is as close as possible to the axial axis of the Pyrenees, thus circulating at higher altitudes and overcoming hills and passes of considerable height, many of them above 2000mt.

During the route you will cross some of the most remarkable natural areas of the Pyrenees such as the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, the Alt Pirineu, the National Park of Aigües Tortes – Sant Maurici, the Natural Site of National Interest of the Albera, the Natural Areas of Interest of the Alta Garrotxa and the Tossa Plana de Lles-Puigpedrós, etc.. Treats for the eyes are guaranteed from the first to the last stage.


Duration: 8 days

We start the route leaving behind us magnificent views of the sea and Cap de Creus. Between the Coll de les Portes and the Serra we will pass through the suggestive place of the Valleta with the beautiful Ermita de Sant Silvestre at the bottom of the valley. From Vilamaniscle we will cross the loneliest and wildest part of the Alt Empordà, the Albera area. We will quickly cross one of the few noisy points of the route – La Jonquera – to enter again in the quiet surroundings of the Boadella reservoir. We will border it on the north side and after some more irregular stretches we will reach the tracks that will leave us in the village of Sant Llorenç de la Muga. With a bridge and a very suggestive medieval layout.

Here we will face the first serious pass of the route, the Coll de Riu, initially following a cemented section for 10km and finally the last 5 km on a steeper track. We will descend with caution the first 2 kilometers with steep slope between dense beech forests. Arrived at the gorges formed by the river Llierca the route becomes quieter. We will pass by the spectacular medieval bridge of Llierca. We will follow some asphalted stretches until we take some more broken sections of track that will take us to the Coll de Toix and we will start the descent to Oix. From Oix to Camprodonlamarch slows down, the slopes are steep and the terrain is stony in about 15 km to the coll d’Arrancafels. Then the fast descent on a partly cemented track.

Today’s stage will be a little shorter to recover from the previous day’s effort. We will also reduce the positive meters although we will face the first pass of more than 2000 mt, the Coll de la Gralla. A drop of just over a thousand meters from the end of the valley that is well climbed by tracks that facilitate a good pace. From there we will do 5 kilometers on this elevation with privileged views of the surroundings. From the Coll de Meianell fast descent to the Vall de Ribes. Arrived at the end of the Valley we will begin a hard climb to Vilamanya by a cemented track. After about two km from the village the slope becomes gentler and we will go through lush forests to a detour on a steep and technical path that will take us to Ventolà. From this point and to Planoles by comfortable tracks.

From Planoles to Dorria we find an entertaining path that runs parallel to the road. The views of the valley are privileged but the path becomes slower and slower with some parts not cyclable. There is the possibility of avoiding this section by continuing along the road. From Dorria we reconnect with more or less rolling tracks, with sloping sections alternating with other softer ones until the Creu de Meians. From here we quickly link the Coll de Mercer. Panoramic views of the valley of Cerdanya and the Serra del Cadi. We begin a long descent of about 15 kilometers on comfortable tracks to Puigcerdà. From the capital of the region we will begin an asphalted stretch of about 7 km over the village of Saneja. Then we will take a road that has some steep slopes to the Nordic ski resort of Guils-Fontanera. Depending on the state of the road you can always take as an alternative the lonely road that ends at the station and that crosses this road several times. From the station we descend by a very fast track that crosses the abandoned village of Montmalús. After the village we will take a link road to another track that will take us first to Meranges and finally to Eller.

From Eller to Viliella there is a part that will require all our effort to face some technical parts and short stretches where it will be better to get off the bike. It is about 20 km entertaining with continuous ups and downs between forests, streams and small villages located at a considerable altitude. From Viliella the old road of Aransa links us with the small road that goes up to the Refuge of Cap de Rec. We will begin one of the most beautiful sections of the Great Crossing of the Catalan Pyrenees in MTB in which we will pedal for many kilometers at an altitude of over 2000mt. These are tracks in good condition, with very grateful panoramic views that will force us to make a stop for contemplation and photographic immortalization. From El coll de Sarset a dizzying descent of 900mt of vertical drop will take us to Arcavell.

We will go down to the Farga de Moles by the old road that leaves us on the national road that goes to Andorra. We will take it towards La Seo to turn off the quiet road that goes up towards Sant Juan Fumat, Asnurri and finally Civis, we will continue climbing on a good track to the Coll de Ares. Small stretch of descent and ascent to the Coll de Grau with spectacular views and a new descent to the small hermitage of Santa Magdalena. From the hermitage begins a long climb to the Coll de la Creu de Bedet and the Coll de So. We will descend a couple of kilometers to start the ascent to the Portell de Finestres by a very irregular track, descent to the Coll de Cabrils to take a track that will become a narrow path to reach the Coll de Cap d’Urdossa located about 2100 mt. We will begin a long descent of 1300 mt of unevenness for about 14 km. At the beginning the descent is very technical between an irregular and stony path and then tracks also very broken in some sections. We will reach the end of the valley and we will travel a couple of kilometers along the national road to Llavorsi and about 4 more to the detour of the small road that goes up to Arestui.

Today we face the queen stage of the route. It is the longest and the one that accumulates more meters of elevation gain. There are two very distinct parts, the first is the long climb to the Coll de Rat at the highest point of the route, the Coll de la Creu de l’Eixol with more than 2,200 mt. Uncomplicated ascent along the track and descent that requires attention especially in the initial part. From Son to Borén we will find about 7 kilometers that alternate stretches of technical and exposed trails. The second part of the stage does not present great difficulties, the ascent to Montgarri and Pla de Beret is done by a comfortable track that goes over the valley of the Noguera Pallaresa through spectacular natural surroundings. In the descent to Bagergue from Beret we will find a stretch of very broken trail that also requires attention.

A shorter final stage with only one major pass, the Coll de Varradós. From Bagergue the climb is long following a track in very good condition that allows a steady pace. Privileged views of the Mauberme Peak. We pass to the Varradós Valley with a fast descent that will take us to the waterfall of Saut de Pish. At the parking lot we will take a road with steep and narrow sections, some sections also have landslides that require attention. At about 7km we will take the detour that goes to the Ermita de Sant Joan d’Arròs and Vilamós. Short stretch of road and take another track that begins the ascent to the Margalida peak, the last high point of the route. From here direct descent to Bossòst by a very irregular track that requires extreme caution. From Bossòst to Viellairalternating small asphalted stretches with the route of the old path of the Valley known as “Camin Reiau” that runs parallel to the river Garona. Some sections with steps and more technical will require us to put our feet on the ground. Finally we will arrive at the capital of the Aran Valley region.

Well deserved rest, celebration dinner and presentation of diplomas to the finishers!!!!


Transportation of participants, luggage and bicycles.

Lodging and breakfast


Activity insurance


We provide Track and GPS

Assistance and maintenance

Photo report

If you like this route, we can prepare a proposal for your group.

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Great Crossing of the Catalan Pyrenees in MTB

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