Aragon, Pyrenees

Ordesa in MTB


The Ordesa MTB routes go through some of the highest places in the Pyrenees. We will reach the confines of the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido.  We will enter the valley of Ordiso where the Ara River rises. There we will contemplate the majestic wall of the south wall of the Vignemale. We will go up to the impressive Otal Valley, a large plateau located at a considerable height. From the village of Torla we will rise to an altitude of 2000 mt to place ourselves on a privileged balcony right in front of the entrance of Ordesa.  As a culmination we will climb to the spectacular Ibón de Plan where we will enjoy the view created by the lake surrounded by the magnificent mountain cirque that surrounds it.


Duration: 5 days

The ascent to Cebollar is surely the best approach we can make to visualize the Ordesa Valley. From the confluence of the road coming from Cotefablo, we go up a long track that alternates smoother sections with some steeper ones. The track begins a small more irregular route to the hermitage of San Miguel. Some sections are more broken and others firmer, but in general it is a track in fairly good condition and well maintained for the access of the shepherds to the higher parts. We will cross dense forests of wild pines and in the highest parts also of oaks and firs. After 7 km, in elevated areas, we will pass through Lusarre, a former cultivated area where we can still see some terraces and we will find some farms. The population of marmots in the area is numerous. Finally we will arrive at the Collado de la Plana Cuasta.

From the pass, located near the 2000 mt. elevation, we are offered attractive views of both the depth of the Ordesa Valley and some of the upper peaks.

Today we will move near the entrance of the Añisclo Canyon to start one of the most spectacular scenic routes of the entire Pyrenean chain. From the village of Nerín, in the Vió Valley , we will start a track in very good condition, only open to locals and the 4×4 bus that every summer brings mountaineers who want to face the giants of the Pyrenees.

This track, saving a thousand meters of unevenness, will take us to the height of 2,200 mt from where we will enjoy a unique scenic spectacle. Silence and a long moment of contemplation. We have the giants of the Pyrenees at hand, a succession of three thousand headed by Monte Perdico. Under the cliff where the balcony where we are located, we will enjoy a privileged view of the entire Ordesa Valley that lies at our feet. We are above the southern wall of the gorge. It is the limit of theNational Park that allows the circulation of bicycles.

Track from Buesa to Las Cutas. In the background the Casco, Mondarruego and the Taillón.

From this point we will pass through different openings in the track parallel to the ridge where we roll, which will give us access to other viewpoints and provide us with different views and perspectives of the whole. The descent has up to 3 alternatives that we can evaluate in situ depending on the weather and the state of the slopes. The first is to return to Nerín by the track in better condition. Another option is to start the track that continues to Torla with beautiful views of the Ara valley, or go down through the woods would lead us to Broto via Buesa by a more irregular track.

We will move to the village of Torla from where we will begin another stage of great scenic enjoyment. From the village we will continue 2 km by road to Puente de los Navarros. Here begins a stretch of track through the narrow gorge that will take us to the old Hospital de San Nicolás de Bujaruelo. A place located in a privileged natural enclave, from where pilgrims, shepherds and mountaineers who cross these mountains have been attended almost without interruption since the 12th century.

From this large esplanade, dominated by the Romanesque bridge, the hermitage and the current building that replaces the old Hospital, we will continue into the valley parallel to the Ara River, to the confluence point of the two valleys that we will visit. First we will go up an easy trackto the Otal Valley. When we reach the pass that dominates the long and high valley, we will find an extraordinary and surprising view. A valley of about 4 km long of great beauty.

End of the Otal Valley. Road to Tendeñera

We will start the descent by the same track, cross the Ara river and start another easy track that will take us to Ordiso at the source of Ara. Here we find a shepherd’s hut and one of the greatest views of another of the giants of the Pyrenees: the Vignemale, in front of one of its most famous routes in the history of alpine romanticism of the 19th century, the Moskova route.

After the positive energy immersion of the place, we will start the return by the tracks that lead us to Torla.

Today we will change valley to move to the small and attractive village of Saravillo. From here we have an ascent of about 14 km along a forest track in good condition that will take us to the refuge of Lavasar. At this point we can park the bikes to take a path of 1.7 km to reach one of the jewels of the Pyrenees: Ibón de Ban or Embalse de la Mora. This small section can be attempted by bike but there are two small sections that will require getting off the bike, and on the small climb back we will have to push them. We will decide on the spot.

Ibón de Plan

The view from the Ibón surroundings is an idyllic postcard view of this glacial mountain lake surrounded by a mountain cirque that reaches 3000 mt.

The return can have two alternatives. The normal by the track that we have climbed and the more technical alternative where the enduro riders can enjoy. This is the GR that crosses the track several times and ends in the village of Saravillo. The first part of this trail is more unstable, but further on the path is much more cyclable and faster.

On the way back, lunch in the area and return to destination.


Transportation of participants, bicycles and luggage

Alteration in MP regime.

Accident insurance and medical assistance


Roadside assistance

Photographic Repotage

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Ordesa in MTB

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